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includes 36 quotes from 19 sources:
3 More C's Of Ontology Engineering In The Enterprise
The fact that your internal...
Cosmicism - Wikipedia
Degenerate Epistemology
Scientific truth
Exploring The Significance Of Digital Humanities For Philosophy | Digital Scholarship In The Humanities
Three possible reasons why DH hasn't thrived in philosophy yet
From Encyclopedia To Ontology: Toward Dynamic Representation Of The Discipline Of Philosophy
Challenges in traditional metaphilosophical investigations; individual biases and limitations
Problem: “philosophy of x” vs. “x”
Role of inpho in metaphilosophy: a 'descriptive', not a 'normative' adequacy
Problem: how to differentiate categories from individuals? a sep-driven approximation..
Criticism: is the sep ontology a representation of meta-philosophy?
Ideas for a visualization system; open challenges for digital philosophy
A key challenge facing philosophers...
Stating something clearly won't stifle criticism, but rather encourage it
Human, All Too Human: A Book For Free Spirits
Science should give us a chemistry of the moral, religious, aesthetic conceptions and feeling
Science and philosophy
If there is no longer any ought morality, wouldn't death be preferable?
Medieval Semiotics (meier-oeser, Stephan)
A mistaken assumption
Augustine and the Stoics
Metodo Baconiano - Wikipedia
Bacon's idols of the mind
Nishida Kitarō (stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy)
Philosophical influence of nishida kitaro
Eastern and western philosophies
Nobel Prize Genius Crick Was High On Lsd When He Discovered The Secret Of Life
Philosophy of self sufficiency
Of money and morals
Banks hiring moral philosophers
Ontology, in analytic philosophy, concerns...
Philosophy Engines: Technology And Reading/writing/thinking Philosophy
Epistemic practices in philosophy
The material processes for doing...
The examples of computational technologies...
The Book: On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
Yet metaphysics, like philosophy as...
In the vedanta philosophy, nothing exists except god
One's human nature
I have sometimes thought that...
The Experimental Philosophy Page
Welcome to the experimental philosophy...
The Philosophical Computer: Exploratory Essays In Philosophical Computer Modeling
Philosophical modeling is as old...
This Free Online Encyclopedia Has Achieved What Wikipedia Can Only Dream Of
A benefit of the sep’s not being crowdsourced is that minority views get more exposure
Three ways to be more rational this year
Pinker on rationality
Towards An Ontology Of Software: A Requirements Engineering Perspective
A different approach to account...