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includes 17 quotes from 10 sources:
An Example Of Ontology Driven Software Engineering
Ontological proximity disambiguates entities in...
Chilibot User Manual
Chilibot is a specialized search...
Rdf Primer
Since the value that a...
Towards An Ontology Of Software: A Requirements Engineering Perspective
Osterweil believes that, in addition...
In conclusion, we explore in...
By identifying the rationale for...
A different approach to account...
several papers by Jackson and...
In software engineering, the desired...
Software, differenlty from laws or recipes, produces practical results in the real world
Understanding Digital Humanities (david M. Berry)
Clergy of the church of england database - citizen collaboration
Waterfall Model
Waterfall development model
What Is “open Science”? Carlos Moedas Gets It, Do You? | Petermr's Blog
What is open science
Where Are The Semantics In The Semantic Web?
What is good is what...
Machine usable content presumes that...
Why Big Data Is Now Such A Big Deal | Technology | The Observer
To call what's happening a...
Yes Again To The End Of The Digital Humanities ! Please ! | Roger Malina
I predict that 30 years from now the term “digital humanities” will have disappeared from our vocabulary