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includes 14 quotes from 8 sources:
Can A Robot, An Insect Or God Be Aware?: Scientific American
Experimental philosophy: a new approach?
Exploring The Significance Of Digital Humanities For Philosophy | Digital Scholarship In The Humanities
Three possible reasons why DH hasn't thrived in philosophy yet
From Encyclopedia To Ontology: Toward Dynamic Representation Of The Discipline Of Philosophy
Challenges in traditional metaphilosophical investigations; individual biases and limitations
Structural idea-types are used marginally
Ideas for a visualization system; open challenges for digital philosophy
A key challenge facing philosophers...
Stating something clearly won't stifle criticism, but rather encourage it
Inpho empirical advantages over traditional methods
Ontology, in analytic philosophy, concerns...
Ontology And Reification
Quine wrote that one's ontology...
Philosophy Engines: Technology And Reading/writing/thinking Philosophy
The shadow of the machine on philosophy
The Book: On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
Yet metaphysics, like philosophy as...
I have sometimes thought that...
The Digital Nietzsche: Download Nietzsche's Major Works As Free Ebooks | Open Culture
Nietzsche on morality and society