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includes 19 quotes from 12 sources:
Calvinism (wikipedia Contributors)
Substitutionary atonement
God is infinite, and finite people are incapable of comprehending an infinite being
Total depravity of people
Epigrams On Programming
Artificial intelligence
Erik Davis - On Psychedelics
The paradox that psychedelic substances present to brain-based reductionists
Human, All Too Human: A Book For Free Spirits
It's hard to believe that the Christian doctrines are still believed
The world is neither good nor bad; men are the ultimate root of these ideas
Janus - Wikipedia
Janus the Roman God
Jesus Myth Theory
Nishida Kitarō (stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy)
Religious Children Are Meaner Than Their Secular Counterparts, Study Finds | World News | The Guardian
Religion is not a prerequisite of morality
Shantaram (gregory David Roberts)
‘well,’ i laughed, ‘i certainly...
We wouldn’t make it. we...
The Book: On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
In the vedanta philosophy, nothing exists except god
The image also gave everyone...
God likes to play hide-and-seek
The One Day When Christians And Atheists Sing From The Same Hymn Sheet | Giles Fraser | Comment | The Guardian
Religious experiences can be explained in terms of brain chemistry
Religion is a set of bronze-age myths designed to keep the priestly caste in power and carefully engineered to feed off the insecurities of the weak and the ignorant.
The Will To Power: An Attempt At The Revaluation Of All Values.
Nihilism stands at the door:...