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includes 37 quotes from 11 sources:
Human, All Too Human: A Book For Free Spirits
Ethic is not unegoistic
In the dream we have the source of all metaphysics
Language causes metaphysics
Death and suicide
Self Defence can justify any morality
We are primordially illogical and hence unjust beings and can recognise this fact
Justice is reprisal and exchange upon the basis of an approximate equality of power.
The less men are bound by tradition, the greater is the inner activity of motives
Socrates and Plato are right: whatever man does he always does right: that is, does what seems to him good (advantageous)
Look Down Go Down
Importance of the psychology/motivation of the researcher
My First Burning Man: Confessions Of A Conservative From Washington
Burning man
Networks Of Scientific Papers
Science topography based on analysis of research fronts
Sexuality And Gender In The Classical World - Readings And Sources
Living in a fragmented and...
Shantaram (gregory David Roberts)
‘khaled! yeah! are you okay?’...
The famous indian head wiggle
It was a genial, sanguine...
‘but sometimes …’ i protested,...
At one point, prabaker’s father...
I shook hands with each...
Consciousness and matter
We’d reached the perimeter of...
In my first knife fight...
Dead and naked he looked...
For me, the most important...
The bus stopped in a...
The world and i are not on speaking terms
Shantu worked in his taxi...
Sometimes you have to surrender before you win
But i was alone, and...
‘this social work seems to...
Straw Man - Wikipedia
Straw man argument
The Book: On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
The ego is somewhere behind...
For the enemy/friends of man...
It will often happen that...
To Win Without Fighting
To Win Without Fighting (martial arts)
Tracy Chapman Lyrics - Crossroads
Van Halen – Hot For Teacher Lyrics | Rock Genius