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includes 14 quotes from 8 sources:
Guidelines For The Construction, Format, And Management Of Monolingual Controlled Vocabularies. American National Standards Institute
Synonymy occurs when a concept...
Purchase Talks & Lectures By Alan Watts - The Works – Alan Watts Electronic University
You are god
Rhizome | Brian Eno, Peter Schmidt, And Cybernetics
Eno on cybernetics
Shantaram (gregory David Roberts)
Dead and naked he looked...
The Book: On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
We have not had to...
Man aspires to govern nature,...
Our whole knowledge of the...
Here is someone who has...
“individual” is the latin form...
Experiencing with more awareness
The Functional Art: An Introduction To Information Graphics And Visualization
By giving numbers a proper...
Urban Dictionary: Excuse Me, While I Kiss The Sky
Kiss the sky
Why The Modern World Is Bad For Your Brain (daniel J Levitin)
Multitasking creates a dopamine-addiction feedback loop, effectively rewarding the brain for losing focus
Email-, facebook- and twitter-checking constitute a neural addiction