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includes 11 quotes from 4 sources:
Human, All Too Human: A Book For Free Spirits
Religious and moral feelings are (forgotten) associations of simpler emotions
Judgement derives from Belief, Belief from Pleasure and Pain
each individual decides and determines alone, and never comes out of his own personality
We are primordially illogical and hence unjust beings and can recognise this fact
Science can show us how opinions come to existence
The strength of feeling is no voucher for the validity of knowledge
The Book: On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
Being amazed at the usual
You will feel like an...
The ego is somewhere behind...
The Functional Art: An Introduction To Information Graphics And Visualization
Rather than serving as a...
Too Much To Bare: Behind The Scenes At A Lap-dancing Club | Life And Style | The Guardian
Some of the girls shouldn't...