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includes 18 quotes from 6 sources:
Avicii Lyrics - Addicted To You
"Addicted To You
Purchase Talks & Lectures By Alan Watts - The Works – Alan Watts Electronic University
You are god
Shantaram (gregory David Roberts)
The famous indian head wiggle
Poverty and pride are devoted blood brothers
At one point, prabaker’s father...
I shook hands with each...
Consciousness and matter
Dead and naked he looked...
The simple and astonishing truth...
Long years after that day,...
Sometimes you have to surrender before you win
It was impossible for me...
The Book: On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
The ego is somewhere behind...
Our whole knowledge of the...
The ego is somewhere behind...
Experiencing with more awareness
The Functional Art: An Introduction To Information Graphics And Visualization
By giving numbers a proper...
Urban Dictionary: Excuse Me, While I Kiss The Sky
Kiss the sky