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includes 17 quotes from 12 sources:
An Introduction To Obo Ontologies
Relations (also called "relationship types"...
Cidoc-crm Version 4.2.4 - Reference Document
Instance of a property
Digital Hermeneutics: Agora And The Online Understanding Of Cultural Heritage
..the basic event-event relations that...
First Normal Form - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
First normal form
From Encyclopedia To Ontology: Toward Dynamic Representation Of The Discipline Of Philosophy
Criticism: weakness of isa relation on the idea category; isa is not used in a context-independent manner
Structural idea-types are used marginally
Historical Event-based Access To Museum Collections
One of the biggest challenges...
Life, The Multiverse And Everything: An Introduction To The Ideas Of Humberto Maturana Interpreting Maturana
The artist's "style" is that peculiar way in which he composed the constituent parts.
From linguistic behavior to language
Composite unities have organization and structure; organization; identity
Composite unity; the "whole is greater than the sum of its parts"
Medieval Semiotics (meier-oeser, Stephan)
Roger Bacon is probably the most important medieval theorist of sign
Nishida KitarÅ (stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy)
Absolute nothingness
Sexuality And Gender In The Classical World - Readings And Sources
Greek society was a slave-owning...
The Book: On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
Is it possible that myself,...
Towards An Ontology Of Software: A Requirements Engineering Perspective
Constitution relationship
Since code and program differ...