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includes 10 quotes from 7 sources:
Iannotate — Whatever Happened To The Web As An Annotation System? | The Scholarly Kitchen
We need to distinguish personal...
Life, The Multiverse And Everything: An Introduction To The Ideas Of Humberto Maturana Interpreting Maturana
What science does
Language does not take place in the brain
Autonomy of the system
Influencing the drift vs controlling the outcome of the drift
Look Down Go Down
The industrialisation of the digital humanities
Medieval Semiotics (meier-oeser, Stephan)
Bacon distinguishing two modes of imposition: formal and tacit
Nishida Kitarō (stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy)
...the standpoint of place or...
The Digital Humanities Situation | The Transducer
To many, the digital humanities...
What Are The Differences Between A Vocabulary, A Taxonomy, A Thesaurus, An Ontology, And A Meta-model?
A taxonomy is a collection...