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includes 16 quotes from 7 sources:
A Beginner's Guide To Playing Interactive Fiction
Interactive Fiction (or IF for...
Gamasutra - Scrum And Long Term Project Planning For Video Games
One major benefit gained from...
Hamlet On The Holodeck
Dramatic storytelling in electronic games
Role playing games
The poor narrative in some computer games
Life, The Multiverse And Everything: An Introduction To The Ideas Of Humberto Maturana Interpreting Maturana
Science is social coherence
Prism | About Prism
Prism is a tool for...
Re: Blink
Who blinks first
The Book: On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
Saints have always declared themselves...
Being in a double bind
The more resolutely you plumb...
Instead of giving our children...
The more it becomes clear...
Honoring the godhead in the stranger
Life and love generate effort,...
We do not play the...