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includes 12 quotes from 6 sources:
A New Semantic Similarity Based Measure For Assessing Research Publication’s Contribution
a paper with high impact...
From Encyclopedia To Ontology: Toward Dynamic Representation Of The Discipline Of Philosophy
Three pieces of accepted wisdom when modeling ontologies
The purpose of such an...
Life, The Multiverse And Everything: An Introduction To The Ideas Of Humberto Maturana Interpreting Maturana
Simple unity and composite unity
Two types of structural changes; the structure specifies four domains
For any system there are four initial questions which we may ask:
Science is social coherence
Language is recursive coordinated linguistic behaviour; difference between first order linguistic behaviour (among animals) and second order lnguistic behaviour (among humans)
Structural coupling
The Diggicore Project: Aggregating And Mining The World Of Open Access Articles
our method to assess the...
The Digital Humanities Situation | The Transducer
So, if the digital humanities...
Towards A Multilingual , Comprehensive And Open Scientific Journal Ontology
Classification of journals