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includes 17 quotes from 8 sources:
Cool Uris For The Semantic Web
Web document (information resource)
Given such a URI, how...
Web documents have always been...
The solutions described in the...
Dereferenceable Uniform Resource Identifier - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Dereferenceable URIs are based on the well-established theory and practices of "data access by reference"
Internationalized Resource Identifiers (iris)
There is a philosophical problem...
Linked Data: Evolving The Web Into A Global Data Space
Any HTTP URI should be dereferenceable
Making Uris Dereferenceable | Ontogenealogy
How URIs identifying information and non-information resources are dereferenced
The Web is intended to be an information space that may be used by humans as well as by machines
Rdf Primer
Both RDF and Web browsers...
...relative URIrefs such as #item10245...
RDF does not provide a...
Blank nodes also provide a...
Xml qualified name (or qname)
The Resource Description Framework (RDF)...
Thesauri Of Historical Periods – A Proposal For Standardization.
[...] we identify a ...
What Do Http Uris Identify? - Design Issues
Uris for web pages vs uris for real world objects