Historical context and uncertainty also creates complexity for temporal modeling, as it is often difficult to say with absolute precision when a certain event took place. For example, actors on opposing sides of a battle tend to see the extent of that battle differently [15], explanatory notes], depending on if they include preparatory attacks leading up to the battle or the consolidation of gains following a successful attack in the time- frame.

For this reason, CIDOC-CRM’s temporal representation supports a level of uncertainty in the encoding. In other words, this means that it is possible to present a timestamp, for instance, for "at the beginning of the year 1917" by specifying four temporal points: the earliest possible start time, latest possible start time, earliest possible end time and latest possible end time. By using such timeframes, analyses and visualizations of the temporal relationships between war events do not miss events with uncertain or ambiguous dates.

« Problems with temporal representation of historical events »

A quote saved on Nov. 28, 2014.


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