Statement-based models have been proposed as mechanisms for publishing key facts asserted in the scientific literature or in curated databases in a machine processable form. Examples include: Biological Expression Language (BEL) statements [18]; SWAN, a model for claims and hypotheses in natural language developed for the annota- tion of scientific hypotheses in Alzheimers Disease (AD) research [14,19-21]; and nanopublications [22-26], which contribute to the Open PHACTS linked data warehouse of pharmacological data [26]. What we mean by “statement-based” is that they con- fine themselves to modeling statements found in scientific papers or databases, with limited or no presentation of the backing evidence for these statements. Some offer statement backing in the form of other statements in the scientific literature, but none actually has a complete representation of scientific argument including empirical evidence and methods.

« Limitations of statement-based models »

A quote saved on Nov. 26, 2014.


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