The final set of programme-type objects are collections, seasons and franchises. Collections provide a generic way to group any type of PIPs objects (brand, series, episode, clips, segments etc) although they’re usually used to group episodes and clips into editorially coherent packages. They’re basically a way to generate a random list of things with a similar theme (and I didn’t even say “curate”). This collection of John Betjeman episodes from a variety of archive programmes would be a classic example.

Seasons and franchises are specialised types of collection. A season is used to group “publications”: broadcasts and iPlayer ondemands. Although, in practice, pretty much always broadcasts. They correspond to the traditional (UK) definition of a broadcast season where broadcasts of episodes from multiple programme groups are promoted as a themed season. So there might be multiple broadcasts of some Clint Eastwood film but this broadcast and only this broadcast is part of the Wild West season. The currently running World War One season would be an obvious example.

Franchises are intended to group “related” TLEOs (although see unstable TLEOs) usually by some narrative theme shared between original programmes and spin-offs. So you might want to call Doctor Who and Torchwood a franchise. Or Doctor Who and Sarah Jane. Or all the various Matches of the Day. Or Casualty and Holby City. Or Autumn Watch and Spring Watch. So far there are only 3 franchises in PIPs and /programmes: Daily and Sunday Politics, UK Black and Desi Download.

« Collections, seasons and franchises »

A quote saved on Oct. 10, 2014.


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