Editor, Philip Campbell. A weekly, international journal, publishing papers from any area of science with great potential impact and whose importance extends well beyond the confines of the specific discipline concerned. Nature has the highest impact factor of any journal publishing basic scientific research. Nature also publishes Reviews, as well as a broad range of informal material in the form of Editorials, News and News Features, Correspondence, Opinion, News and Views, Books and Arts, Futures (the award-winning science-fiction series) and NatureJobs (articles on careers and recruitment). The journal also publishes regular supplements, including Insights, Outlooks and Technology Features. Nature publishes much online-only information, including the award-winning daily Nature News, blogs, regular web focuses (collections of topical material, often from the journal's archive) and other web-only special features

« Nature has the highest impact factor of any journal publishing basic scientific research »

A quote saved on Sept. 10, 2014.


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