BBC Future Media & Technology department have been transforming the BBC relational content management model and static publishing framework to a fully dynamic semantic publishing architecture. With minimal journalistic management, assets are being enriched with links to ontology concepts. This novel semantic approach provides an improved navigation, content re-use and re-purposing, and supports advertisement based on semantic similarity. This allows automatic aggregation and rendering of links to relevant stories and improves the user experience in the site. [..] The challenge is to create adequate and maximally useful web presence for publishers due to the volume, diversity and the dynamics of their content. Dynamic online publishing uses content metadata to automatically generate and update web pages. Semantic metadata allows for deeper and more informative web presence. Content can be categorized, positioned, interlinked and navigated taking into account some of its semantics.

« BBC Future Media & Technology... »

A quote saved on March 26, 2014.


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