The huge amount of content openly available online offers a lot of opportunities for semantic enrichment realised through text mining, crowdsourcing, etc. Exploiting this content might completely redefine the way research is carried out. We may be standing at the brink of a research revolution, where semantic enrichment or enhancement and Open Access will take the lead role. However, there are two frequently discussed issues slowing down or even preventing this from happening — legal issues and the issue of scientific esteem and recognition. In a recent study commissioned by JISC (McDonald and Kelly, 2012), it was reported that copyright law and other barriers are limiting the use of semantic enrichment technologies, namely text-‐mining. In our view, this creates a strong argument for the wide adoption of Open Access in research. If semantic enrichment technologies are applied as part of an OA technical infrastructure in a way that provides significant benefits to users, users will prefer OA resources and this will create pressure on commercial publishers. To fully exploit the OA reuse potential, it is therefore important to better inform the Open Access comunity about both the benefits and commitments resulting from OA publishing.

« Open access will facilitate text mining and semantic enrichment »

A quote saved on Nov. 19, 2013.


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