The third strategy for building research maps builds nanopublications into the existing publication process. Different approaches could be taken toward imple- menting this strategy. For example, Microsoft has developed a plugin that as- sists authors in using ontologies to markup their text as they write. The markup could be used to render future papers machine readable. This would be an indirect approach. A more direct approach would incorporate fields for nanopublications into the templates for journal article submission. The NCBO makes an autocomplete widget for such purposes freely available. The widget will recommend terms from NCBO-hosted ontologies when a user has started typing in a data entry form field. The nano- publications resulting from filling out these forms could be published to a pub- lic database, just as abstracts are pub- lished to PubMed.

« Strategies for nanopublications: publication process »

A quote saved on Oct. 9, 2013.


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