Reframe It Retreads Web Annotation As A Browser Add-on | Techcrunch

In total we have 1 quote from this source:

 Reframe It is a browser...

Reframe It is a browser plug-in for Firefox or Internet Explorer that lets you highlight passages of text on a Web page and add your own comments in a side pane. Comment can be private, public, or visible only to certain groups. Anyone with the Reframe It plug-in can then see those comments in their side pane as they browse the Web. Reframe It also has a Twitter-like social feature that lets you follow other people’s comments, as well as comments within groups. You can follow these comments in an RSS feed, which you can track in your blog reader or other services such as FriendFeed. To help get you started, Reframe It allows you to import your contacts from Gmail, Facebook, and (soon) LinkedIn and other services.

The service itself does a decent job of letting you markup the Web and read other members’ comments in context. The problem, as with all of the similar services that have come before it, is that the chances of coming across a Web page that has Reframe It comments is pretty small. So the side pane (which at least is collapsible) will be pretty useless for most people. The comments also are slow to load. It might appeal to heavy commenters, however.

But even there, disassociating comments from the pages where they appear is not always a good thing. Comments are becoming such an integral part of most Web pages (especially on blogs and media sites) that the best way to ensure the most people will read a comment is to add it directly to the page through each site’s commenting system. ReFrame It comments are only visible to other people who have added Reframe It to their browsers.

#web-pages  #pages  #browser  #services  #Web  #most-web-pages