Personal energy requirement = basic energy requirements extra energy requirementsBasic energy requirements (BER) includes your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and general daily activitiesFor every Kg of body weight 1.3 Calories is required every hour. (An athlete weighing 50Kg would require 1.3 �24hrs �50Kg = 1560 Calories/day)For a calculation of your BMR, see the calculator on the Resting Daily Energy Expenditure (RDEE) pageExtra energy requirements (EER)For each hours training you require an additional 8.5 Calories for each Kg of body weight. (For a two hour training session our 50Kg athlete would require 8.5 �2hrs �50Kg = 850 Calories)An athlete weighing 50Kg who trains for two hours would require an intake of approximately 2410 Calories (BER EER = 1560 850)
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A quote saved on Feb. 26, 2013.
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