How much semantic information about terms is recoverable from co-occurrence information alone, and how much, instead, can only be recovered by agents possessing human perceptual apparatus, physical or causal interaction with the subject domain, memory , emotions, human cognitive dispositions, neural architecture, and so on? Despite great advances in the last few years on both co-occurrence models and other models of semantic structure, and on language learning and semantic memory , no general answer to this question is currently known. [...] Thus far, we have discussed two ways in which the InPhO is a dynamic ontology: the dynamic population of instances and the dynamic extension of the ontology' s category structure when sections become too large. An alluring future direction which could make the InPhO even more dynamic involves the use of more ambitious automated reasoning techniques to infer large sections of the ontology' s taxonomic structure using semi-automated means.

« Limitation of co-occurrence methods; possibility of using automatic reasoning techniques »

A quote saved on Feb. 26, 2013.


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